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TFF's GMs loves Rock Band (PS3)

Gabriel bought RockBand for his PS3 last night. He invited TFF.GM Zani Pemajal and his TFF.Officers, PantyGoonies, SpendeD, Eyakuza and Soul112 (si fatul bah)  to his crib last night. The agenda was
1) to review RockBand 
2) to plan TFF's upcoming Lan Party on the 8th of November.

Well, the moment RockBand was plugged in, throughout the night, the TFF GMs and Officers were fighting for the drum kit, guitar and mic, literally. Punches were thrown, faces were slapped, legs were pulled, balls were kicked. It was a massacre. Gabriel, Zani Pemajal and Fatul wanted to play the drum kit. SpendeD and Eyakuza were fought for the mics, and when neither were available, Pantygoonies, Fatul and Zani Majal beat each other up for the guitar.

Why ?


Have you ever seen Zani Pemajal NOT playing CS? Have you ever seen the tempermental Eyakuza sing his heart out full of emotion? Have you ever seen Fatul not making jokes? We'll, you'll be suprised what ROckBand have done to them >.>

Yeah, RockBand was so addictive, that "Can I have a go next?" phrase were overused. It was so bad that we couldnt planned about next Lan Party>.> (whats to plan ... really? haha)

But one thing for sure, you'll be seeing Gabriel's Rockband at the TFF's Lan Party, on the 8th November.

Ps. SpendeD and Panty, please upload photos from lastnight. 


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