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Noob shots

Ok just to spice up the blog abit, I've decided to add in what i would like to call NOOB SHOTS.

basically its just the freeze frame picture of things of bad things that should never be done and yet was done ^_^

Ok here as you can see, magnataur positioned himself nicely in between warlock and lanaya. With his ulti + lich's ulti and with magnus having DD, you would think its confirm two heroes death right? Plus puck was just out of this screen. so he could blink in fast.

But magnus was 0.1 sec too late, resulting in not capturing warlock in his ulti. you can't see but puck was also too late in using his wave and ulti plus silence. But mainly i still feel that its lich's fault for not novaing the warlock and throwing his chain ulti fast enuf. end conclusion, inge selin is noob.


Ok this time here, its just the beginning of he game. so with lich's nova and juggernauts' spin, they can at least kill nevermore right?

Wrong! lich went and used his nova on the strength hero that has 700+ life instead of the nevermore that has 500+ life. resulting in them not being able to kill even one hero. some more, the opponent paused game here, so he should have more than enuf time to choose and nova nevermore instead of tide. end result, again inge selin is noob. plz never use lich again.


ok thats all for now, lazy find so many noob shots.

so here's the conclusion.

heroes found caught in noob shots are:
inge-selin - 2 times,
gurkaman - 1 time,
Raven - 1 time,
-KS- - 1 time (but not really his fault he already did all he could)
4'c - 0 time, (but that's only cause i lazy find your noob shots!!! hehe)

so the winner of this week's noob shot is inge-selin!!!
pls give a round of applause to this weeks biggest noob! but seriously, plz never use lich again. EVER!!!

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