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Match at RF (against dilah's team)

1st game, won


game summary:

The teamwork was good, the lane was controlled well. aside from bottom lane, but still it wasn't that bad. We really dominated this match.

i felt, we picked all the right heroes to counter them. Choosing terror blade was a particularly good choice. but it would have been impossible if inge-selin didnt play it so well. he was looked for in the forest a couple of times but he didnt die from any of them. well played! another unsung hero to mention is adi's aka gurkaman's treant. his warding and eyes really helped out the game well. John's centaur also did good in harrassing and stopping the naix from farming. He was the real threat in the game and he neutralized him well.

Silencer was poor but thats ok, since his lane was hard. his timing for silencing was good though. silencer was the perfect counter agaisnt their sand king and pudge's ulti.

all in all, well played by everyone.

ps. mirana should be played like this, learn from the replay inge selin!!! (mirana did good too hehehe)

2nd game, lost


game summary:

well we lost quite heavily this match. and it was a bit annoying on the pride since the opponent's team was gloating so badly. still we learned something important in this match. I felt there was nothing much wrong with our hero picks, just bad laning choice. the game would have turned around if only LUNA + AXE went to bottom lane instead of top lane. then the puck and sand king combo would have been able to match with their lich and juggernaut combo.

if luna and axe took btm instead, axe would have dominated the 2 melee heroes and luna would have been free to farm till fat. its also our fault entirely for ignoring the top lane getting dominatted. we should have done something to change this, for example sending puck to top and luna to btm. luna was very important in the game as she is our primary dps hero. if she is poor, we confirm GG.

Raven, me, didnt use nevermore to its full potential also. and getting first blood by mirana is just plain careless. sorry guys, will try better next time.

also, sand king's stunning was poor in the game, but that can't be blamed much as the real gurkaman (adi) left for home after the first match since he has work tmr. so sand king was played by a temp sub. If gurkaman was with us, the game might have been better as once again i have to announce, i love the way gurkaman wards the map. His warding style would have provided us a better fighting chance and helped top's axe from being hunted so often.

Lets learn from this, next time we shouldnt ignore the farmer's lane being dominated. i apologize for not seeing this before hand and ignoring the crisis and chose to happily farm at mid.

thats all for now, peace...

TFF.dota Raven

remember my actions,
if not my name,
remember pawning's satisfactions,
if not "victory" after the game

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