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yesterday's match (the one we lost)

I'm sorry, i can't post the replay's for both the matches at seria, the matches with ITB or the match agaisnt Dilah's team last night. I've misplaced my pendrive and didnt get to save the replay's down. But no worries, Inge-selin did save them and i will get the replays from him soon and post it.

now, i just want to explain a bit on what happen yesterday night. as the title suggested, we lost agaisnt dilah's team again last night and i felt that this lost was very important as i saw that it really demoralized the team members and created slight conflicts.

I personally was not in the mood to play well last night agaisnt them. Truth be told, i didnt care if we won or lost and here are some of the reasons why:-

1) before playing agaisnt them, we played agaisnt ITB team and though we won, the game was a very one sided one i felt like i was wasting my time. personally i dont like game where it feels like we're just bullying weak ppl (i think only inge-selin knows this and yes i'm weird). I openly critised inge-selin about this.

2) when we played with dilah's team, we once again didn't have our full team member

3) though our sub is quite a decent player, and i saw his improvements, i've already told inge-selin i don't like him character wise and he too agreed on this

4) i didn't get to play as mirana >_<

5) i don't like it when viper appears in our line up as i've already stressed that i felt like he was a useless hero. yes he can control lane, but he is useless in gang fights and once mid game comes, we will really start to lag behind because of him. and the hero he laned agaisnt, can just easily catch back up by farmin in neutrals or other lanes.

I've a lot more reason for why i wasn't in the mood to do well last night, but I bet if you read till this far, you should have noticed something by now.

THAT IS.... I'm being a bitch-ass whining and complaining about things like that. life is full of bad things like this happening, so there's no point in me complaining about it all the way and spoiling everyone's mood. Its better to just play my 100% in the game and hope for a win than to complain and bitch about it and guarantee a lose. next time i will win the game first and then complain and rock bottom inge-selin AFTER the game.

I would also like to apologize to inge-selin for critisizing him about finding the team before Dilah's team to play agaisnt us. If anything, he deserves thanks for trying to arrange for friendlies for us. besides he should not be expected to know how good/bad the opponent is.

I also noticed that Jon in particular was very upset about his performance last night. He looked so sad sitting at the stairs and getting half scolded by inge-selin. dont worry about it too much, mistakes are there for us to learn.

we make mistakes---> we get scolded---> we learn---> we improve---> we scold inge-selin back when we improved ^_^

that applies to you too gurkaman. don't feel too bad about last night's game. just remember our mistakes for the rest of our lifes!!!! hahaha, that's how everyone improves.

last of all, do you all know why when we wanna join lan games our names are " TFF.dota (our names)"?

notice that TFF comes before our name? That is exactly the reason why! always remember that TFF always comes before ourself! personal glories like death/kills are all meaningless, the most important thing is that, by the end of the game the words "victory" appears.

i promise to play my 100% in the future matches and prioritise winning the matches from now onwards. But like i say, i will complain and KILL the noob inge-selin after the game is won

thats all for now.


TFF.dota Raven

Remember my actions,
if not my name,
Remember pawning's satisfactions,
if not victory after every game.

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