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Tutong Dota Review

Good morrow young padawans. Welcome to the first TFF Dota review where I will review the matches played. The opponent was GS crew, a long running nemesis in the TFF/UBD/CLT battle for Dota supremacy. As Jon said, 1.20d means we cannot show replays so you could not see the Mirana miss almost every stun, nor could you see the Panda deal almost no damage despite farming more than the other 4 combined. But I digress...

First match

TFF - PoTM, WD, Huskar, CW, Zeus

GSC- Razor, DK, Axe, SF, Lion

Banned - GSC -TP, NA, Lina,, Tinker
TFF - BM, Viper ,Necrolyte, QoP

The TINKER ban was unneccessary, as none of the players in TFF really plays Tinker that well and it does not match their Strategy of Late Game farming. This game was clearly in TFF's advantage. Zeus, Huskar, CW deal most of their damage early to mid game, while WD's Maledict cuts through DK and Razor BKB. Huskar and Zeus played especially well, Huskar farming a Heart and Mekansm by 35 mins while Zeus is Beyond Godlike. There were massacres occuring throughout the match, ending up in a 55 - 20 kill score. Teamwork and coordination was solid throughout, with a few minor slipups. GS was completely controlled on all 3 lanes due to lack of early gamers.

However, the CW was squishy, and should have rushed a Blink Dagger to help in mid game rather than Radiance for late game. He was quick but not quick enough. WD rushing BKB left him at a lack of mana throughout most battles and really should have chosen cheaper items to boost his mana and raise his effectiveness. The MAJOR gripe was the PoTM. While itembuild (deso, treads, 2 wraiths), last hitting and overall effectiveness was solid, he had a major problem with stunning with his arrow for teamfight purposes.
Aside from 2 stuns at the end game stage, the stuns aimed for ganking missed, limiting his ganking ability to Leap and Starfall. In my opinion, INGE SELIN should not use PoTM again. Nub

Second match review upcoming. This post may become too long. Apologies for wall of text

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