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Kyon's Forgotten Heroes : Enigma

Welcome to another edition of Kyon's boredom.. err i mean, Forgotten Heroes. Today we shall talk about Darchrow, our friendly non-speaking blue blob. Dar-dar has been a staple of old hero lineups way back in 6.10 onwards when he was still unstunnable and unstoppable with his Black hole. However, since 6.27 onwards, he has slowly and slowly entered his own black hole and become a non-existant support hero. Today we'll look at an innovative way to play this versatile Enigma.

I can't blame people for not using Dar-dar. He's slow, he has a shitty stun, a lousy creep summon, and a very slow hitting AoE Dot. He has low armor, low health, doesnt talk much so he's not remotely funny *Ahhh the great outdoors!*, and worst of all, stun heavy teams rape him (which by definition is every team on the competitive scene nowadays). He's extremely situational, and he can only cast his ulti once every 200 secs, give or take a year. His creeps even give as much gold as a normal creep and last shorter than a virgin's first night with a prostitute. Yes, the little creeps only last 5 seconds under heavy pressure. Disappointing, I'm sure

*But wait, why are we remembering a shitty hero? Isnt a Forgotten Hero supposed to be owning?*

Well not the old way of playing him. That's really too limited. The BKB-Blink-Pulse-BH combo is really old. I mean, Kolo Mee was still 50 cents when that started. Let's not dwell on the past. Lets instead look at the current stage, when Kolo Mee is 3.00 (yes i was surprised too when i ordered it at Netzone)

Enter Kyon's new and improved Enigma. The Blue Battle Blob, or the B3. With the new B3, no longer will you stand idly by as your teammates dish out damage while you Mekansm behind them. No longer will Dar-dar be a weak one combo hero. The new B3 format will bring a new meaning to RUN BITCH RUN! Let me elaborate...

The B3 does not use Midnight Pulse or Conversion, that was sooooooo 4 years ago. The B3 will opt for Malefice and stats. The B3 does not take level 2-3 Black Hole. Gosh, 400 mana for 2 extra seconds of sucking. Not too good. The B3 WILL NOT BUY MEKANSM. Leave that for the SUPPORT heroes. The B3 will be a GANKER. It will rape, it's desperate and its horny every night. Come one, come all, B3 doesnt discriminate. Man, woman, orc or elf, It rapes all (I'm pretty sure Dar-dar is a trannie)

The B3 WILL use the Orchid. The B3 wears Treads. The B3 attacks people to death. B3 will use Blink (just a throwback to the old skool style). The B3 will gank as soon as it is level 7. It will not stop when it gets a Perseverance. Stun. Hit. Kill. Rinse and repeat. Make your way up to a Shiva, or an Crystalis. Gank, Kill, Repeat. Take stats all the way till you're 16, den Pulse for your complaining teammates. Gank Gank GANK! The B3 listens to no one, but will Pulse once every so often so you're happy, nubs.

Why will this work? Enigma has insane range, high Int gain (high damage gain), a stun that makes enemies unable to counter attack if you time it right, and oh yeah, i think it has Black hole or some shit like that. Plus, it regenerates like Claire Bennett with a Perseverance, something other gankers cant do without higher items. Dont get hit, Backstab enemy fuckers and you wont lose a bit of health, be Godlike.

Kyon-approved. Battle tested.

B3. The new way to play

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Do something for Witch Doctor next!!!

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