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Replays appreciated, Witch Doctor Post

I would appreciate it if replays were hosted somewhere, so Inge-Selin, would you please upload it somewhere? I'd like to make commentary since I have no idea what else I can provide to the site.

Oh, I might pop in with weird Dota ideas that might work in a pub ( or even a serious) match. First off is the use of Witch Doctor (requested by anonymous person who happens to play CS and writes in a newspaper).

WD is a potentially devastating hero with weak lane control but high base damage. He synergizes well with most stun heroes as well as burst dps heroes. Most Tier 1 picks (SF, QoP, Mirana, DK, etc) would easily spank his bottom with his own death ward. Even a Tier 2 pick like an ES or a Zeus would give him a dick cramp by spamming their spells. He is easily stopped by stuns, and he farms poorly. So what is the use of this weak old guy?

Strange as it may seem, pairing him with a str hero like Treant or Huskar would be interesting and harsh to opponents. Treant and Huskar both have high survivability (armor, heal) with high damage capabilities. They both can protect the WD from death *with the exception that WD dies of old age*. Both have skills which synergizes with WD's Maledict. WD has the option of going forest and leave the heroes to solo and gain levels, or vice versa. Overgrowth Maledict DeathWard is pretty basic, but have you thought of Maledict, Huskar's ulti? Instant kill without Deathward. WD can also forgo a level of stun or stats to get the healing aura to help lane survivability. Aside from that, Centaur, Panda, Skel, DK, Sven, Sladar, any str hero can work incredibly with a WD. On a global metagame level, a good Maledict can mean the difference between winning and losing a gang fight. A BKBed WD can decimate most heroes if they're forced to stay and fight.

Why is WD never picked then? That is because Dota has become stagnant in recent months, using the top 20 heroes and leaving 70 to rot. I hope that more teams would stop using cookie cutter builds and start getting creative. Dota isnt meant to be a game where the team that picks the better lineup out of 20 heroes wins. 6.56 is a start in a fresh new direction. Let's hope Inge-Selin decides to use more WDs and other heroes in lineups. ^ ^

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