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RF match review

Here is Shebby's view of the RF Match

Commentator: So what did you think of the match, Shebby?

Shebby: Well, to me, I think TFF should have done better in the second half than the first half. I mean, in the first half we see excellent communication between the players, intelligent decisions and overall domination of the half in terms of possession and attacking. But in the second half, they came out a bit sluggish, losing out on possession early and giving up a few easy goals. I think the RF team was a little too overconfident in the first half and give them credit for really locking down defensively in the second half.

Commentator: So what do you think went wrong in the second half, Shebby?

Shebby: Well, I think the first problem would be the formation. The right wing was playing on the left wing and vice versa, so creating problems when they play against the opposing teams. If the right wing had gone to the left wing, it would have been more evenly matched. Also, I dont feel that the players had the same level of confidence as they had in the first half. I felt that Luna was uncomfortable in his role, and the Puck's timing left a lot to be desired. The timing between players was abyssmal compared to the first half and the second half substitution didnt play his role effectively. He should have helped out a lot in the other parts of the field and provided more help defence.

Commentator: So what do you think TFF should take away from the match?

Shebby: I think TFF has enough talent to beat the RF team, however they must learn to adjust and play against their opponents instead of playing the style that they always play. I think TFF tried to do things a little differently and learnt that they still need a bit more training to play competitively. The players need to be more versatile and I think their veterans feel the same judging by the post match comments. They should look at the replay and do a bit more self reflection on how the match went and look at ways to improve in matching their opponent's intensity level. Welcome to the big leagues guys, hope you dont fall down before you even take the first step

Commentator: Thank you Shebby. Back to the studio for the match highlights.

Non-Shebby comments: Rushing BKB for Luna and Nevermore was a bit off, especially since Luna sacrificed staying power and forest farming by not going Helm. Inge-Selin should not play a sacrificial hero, he is more suited for carry roles or semi carry/ganker roles. Axe's synergy and foresting is really low compared to Centaur's so should try for lane + forest instead of all forest.


kyon, we only need sf - bkb and blink
sand - bkb
luna - bkb

we definately own in 30 mins :S

but sadly its too late having that items out in taht moment of time.

but sometimes im glad we lost the match coz it made us realize that we needed more training on some other heroes that we rarely use.

stay strong guys! we gonna make it there soon!

Trust in me ^^

Well, dib, I was referring to Luna going for BKB instead of helm for damage and lane survivability. SK is a ganker and shouldnt be ricing for a BKB. SF was losing in terms of damage, so a BKB doesnt really answer that. BKB isnt a cure for everything and imo, damage should be gotten before BKB. Lothars for Luna and SF synergize better for your situation compared to the BKB. SK should just get the cash from ganking, instead of staying in lane and farming.

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