Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kyon returns

Hi, sorry wasnt there to see the dilah match so i dont know about how demoralized the team is. However, judging by the times I've played with you all, I do agree on some points Raven made. Losses are demoralizing I'm sure, and its harder still if its a one sided loss. Adi and Jon especially normally beat themselves up over it, but to be honest, I've never seen a game where you guys don't try your best, so there's no point beating yourself up about it if you tried your best. To err is human, to forgive is divine, so dont beat yourself up over it. Learn from the game and become better.

Viper is an awesome hero tbh, but he's mainly to gank hard. Without the correct supporting heroes, Viper falls behind really quickly, and he's better with single stun heroes to help chain slow a victim for the carry.

I actually think the ITB players are quite good. They showed excellent teamwork but a lack of experience doomed them. The fact that they didnt understand banning was kinda disappointing but I dont consider them an easy win. A one sided game is also a way to see how you execute teamwork in an ideal situation so all games are important imo.

In conclusion, I'd like to tell whoever is demoralized by the loss that you cant help being a new team. There are growing pains to become a great team, so pay your dues, den own them back once you're better. While Dota is a team game about control, its also a mind game with yourself. Losing the mind game will doom you before you actually lose. It would help if you absorb some of our resident happy-go-lucky, optimistic nub Inge-Selin's positive attitude to things. Oi, nub. Hope you're reading this. Team leaders should be saying this in writing instead of the disconnected advisor. :P

yesterday's match (the one we lost)

I'm sorry, i can't post the replay's for both the matches at seria, the matches with ITB or the match agaisnt Dilah's team last night. I've misplaced my pendrive and didnt get to save the replay's down. But no worries, Inge-selin did save them and i will get the replays from him soon and post it.

now, i just want to explain a bit on what happen yesterday night. as the title suggested, we lost agaisnt dilah's team again last night and i felt that this lost was very important as i saw that it really demoralized the team members and created slight conflicts.

I personally was not in the mood to play well last night agaisnt them. Truth be told, i didnt care if we won or lost and here are some of the reasons why:-

1) before playing agaisnt them, we played agaisnt ITB team and though we won, the game was a very one sided one i felt like i was wasting my time. personally i dont like game where it feels like we're just bullying weak ppl (i think only inge-selin knows this and yes i'm weird). I openly critised inge-selin about this.

2) when we played with dilah's team, we once again didn't have our full team member

3) though our sub is quite a decent player, and i saw his improvements, i've already told inge-selin i don't like him character wise and he too agreed on this

4) i didn't get to play as mirana >_<

5) i don't like it when viper appears in our line up as i've already stressed that i felt like he was a useless hero. yes he can control lane, but he is useless in gang fights and once mid game comes, we will really start to lag behind because of him. and the hero he laned agaisnt, can just easily catch back up by farmin in neutrals or other lanes.

I've a lot more reason for why i wasn't in the mood to do well last night, but I bet if you read till this far, you should have noticed something by now.

THAT IS.... I'm being a bitch-ass whining and complaining about things like that. life is full of bad things like this happening, so there's no point in me complaining about it all the way and spoiling everyone's mood. Its better to just play my 100% in the game and hope for a win than to complain and bitch about it and guarantee a lose. next time i will win the game first and then complain and rock bottom inge-selin AFTER the game.

I would also like to apologize to inge-selin for critisizing him about finding the team before Dilah's team to play agaisnt us. If anything, he deserves thanks for trying to arrange for friendlies for us. besides he should not be expected to know how good/bad the opponent is.

I also noticed that Jon in particular was very upset about his performance last night. He looked so sad sitting at the stairs and getting half scolded by inge-selin. dont worry about it too much, mistakes are there for us to learn.

we make mistakes---> we get scolded---> we learn---> we improve---> we scold inge-selin back when we improved ^_^

that applies to you too gurkaman. don't feel too bad about last night's game. just remember our mistakes for the rest of our lifes!!!! hahaha, that's how everyone improves.

last of all, do you all know why when we wanna join lan games our names are " TFF.dota (our names)"?

notice that TFF comes before our name? That is exactly the reason why! always remember that TFF always comes before ourself! personal glories like death/kills are all meaningless, the most important thing is that, by the end of the game the words "victory" appears.

i promise to play my 100% in the future matches and prioritise winning the matches from now onwards. But like i say, i will complain and KILL the noob inge-selin after the game is won

thats all for now.


TFF.dota Raven

Remember my actions,
if not my name,
Remember pawning's satisfactions,
if not victory after every game.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

RF match review

Here is Shebby's view of the RF Match

Commentator: So what did you think of the match, Shebby?

Shebby: Well, to me, I think TFF should have done better in the second half than the first half. I mean, in the first half we see excellent communication between the players, intelligent decisions and overall domination of the half in terms of possession and attacking. But in the second half, they came out a bit sluggish, losing out on possession early and giving up a few easy goals. I think the RF team was a little too overconfident in the first half and give them credit for really locking down defensively in the second half.

Commentator: So what do you think went wrong in the second half, Shebby?

Shebby: Well, I think the first problem would be the formation. The right wing was playing on the left wing and vice versa, so creating problems when they play against the opposing teams. If the right wing had gone to the left wing, it would have been more evenly matched. Also, I dont feel that the players had the same level of confidence as they had in the first half. I felt that Luna was uncomfortable in his role, and the Puck's timing left a lot to be desired. The timing between players was abyssmal compared to the first half and the second half substitution didnt play his role effectively. He should have helped out a lot in the other parts of the field and provided more help defence.

Commentator: So what do you think TFF should take away from the match?

Shebby: I think TFF has enough talent to beat the RF team, however they must learn to adjust and play against their opponents instead of playing the style that they always play. I think TFF tried to do things a little differently and learnt that they still need a bit more training to play competitively. The players need to be more versatile and I think their veterans feel the same judging by the post match comments. They should look at the replay and do a bit more self reflection on how the match went and look at ways to improve in matching their opponent's intensity level. Welcome to the big leagues guys, hope you dont fall down before you even take the first step

Commentator: Thank you Shebby. Back to the studio for the match highlights.

Non-Shebby comments: Rushing BKB for Luna and Nevermore was a bit off, especially since Luna sacrificed staying power and forest farming by not going Helm. Inge-Selin should not play a sacrificial hero, he is more suited for carry roles or semi carry/ganker roles. Axe's synergy and foresting is really low compared to Centaur's so should try for lane + forest instead of all forest.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Match at RF (against dilah's team)

1st game, won

game summary:

The teamwork was good, the lane was controlled well. aside from bottom lane, but still it wasn't that bad. We really dominated this match.

i felt, we picked all the right heroes to counter them. Choosing terror blade was a particularly good choice. but it would have been impossible if inge-selin didnt play it so well. he was looked for in the forest a couple of times but he didnt die from any of them. well played! another unsung hero to mention is adi's aka gurkaman's treant. his warding and eyes really helped out the game well. John's centaur also did good in harrassing and stopping the naix from farming. He was the real threat in the game and he neutralized him well.

Silencer was poor but thats ok, since his lane was hard. his timing for silencing was good though. silencer was the perfect counter agaisnt their sand king and pudge's ulti.

all in all, well played by everyone.

ps. mirana should be played like this, learn from the replay inge selin!!! (mirana did good too hehehe)

2nd game, lost

game summary:

well we lost quite heavily this match. and it was a bit annoying on the pride since the opponent's team was gloating so badly. still we learned something important in this match. I felt there was nothing much wrong with our hero picks, just bad laning choice. the game would have turned around if only LUNA + AXE went to bottom lane instead of top lane. then the puck and sand king combo would have been able to match with their lich and juggernaut combo.

if luna and axe took btm instead, axe would have dominated the 2 melee heroes and luna would have been free to farm till fat. its also our fault entirely for ignoring the top lane getting dominatted. we should have done something to change this, for example sending puck to top and luna to btm. luna was very important in the game as she is our primary dps hero. if she is poor, we confirm GG.

Raven, me, didnt use nevermore to its full potential also. and getting first blood by mirana is just plain careless. sorry guys, will try better next time.

also, sand king's stunning was poor in the game, but that can't be blamed much as the real gurkaman (adi) left for home after the first match since he has work tmr. so sand king was played by a temp sub. If gurkaman was with us, the game might have been better as once again i have to announce, i love the way gurkaman wards the map. His warding style would have provided us a better fighting chance and helped top's axe from being hunted so often.

Lets learn from this, next time we shouldnt ignore the farmer's lane being dominated. i apologize for not seeing this before hand and ignoring the crisis and chose to happily farm at mid.

thats all for now, peace...

TFF.dota Raven

remember my actions,
if not my name,
remember pawning's satisfactions,
if not "victory" after the game

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tutong match replays

Ok below is the tutong match replays for 23/10/2008.

1st game.

Tff playing as sentinels

Huskar (Yong) & Witch doctor (Kyon) ----btm

Zeus (Raven) ---- mid

Mirana (Inge-Selin) ---- top

Centaur warchief (Jon) ----forest

game summary: We dominated from beginning till end. nothing much to say

2nd game.

Tff playing as scourge

dark seer (inge-selin) & weaver (kyon) ---- top

Pandaren (Raven) ---- mid

Lina (yong) & lion (jon) ---- btm

game summary: again Tff dominated the match but it was a bit harder to push in this time. panda was said to be without damage >_< Also note that the above replays were played on an older version of warcraft (1.20d)

Tutong Dota Review Part 2

So bored, so I shall comment on the more interesting and arguably more balanced match of the 2 TFF played in Tutong against GS crew


GSC (sentinel)- Puck, Zeus, SandK, Medusa, Enigma

TFF (scourge) - Nerubian Weaver, Dark Seer, Pandaren Brewmaster, Lina, Lion

I forgot which heroes were banned, excuse me.


GSC was clearly disoriented by the Watcher/Ion Shield combo employed by TFF in the top Scourge lane. At the 15 min mark, they decided to ward the top lane, which pushed back the Puck's and later the Medusa's farming considerably. The Pandaren in mid was farming well against the Zeus, and decided to rice for a long time, taking brief breaks to gank top and bottom. Lion and Lina are gay, they ganked well (aside from the fb gank which almost failed) and did a good job on limiting the carries from farming.

Okay now the bad points. Kyon made the match harder that it should have been by forcing 3 "weird" heroes into the lineup, namely the Weaver, DS and Panda. Thus, there was little to no synergy between Lion-Lina with Weaver, DS or Panda. While Pandaren was farmed, he should not have gone for the tank build. Granted it was useful, but it forced the Weaver to become uber dps when its supposed to be a chaser/secondary dps. It also prolonged the game into late game due to Lion, Lina and DS's diminishing effectiveness. Radiance at 30 mins beats a Heart and Radiance at 50 mins, due to the level difference. A win is a win, but a carry shouldnt go for tank before damage in my honest opinion. Lion's necro was also a bit of an afterthought, an aghanim would have helped a little more or a bit more raw damage (orchid, mkb, deso).

Surprisingly, IngeSelin had a sacrificial role which meant this is a rare win when he sacrifices. Normally when he sacrifices, TFF loses. So woohoo for Inge Selin! *applause*

Heroes of the Tutong matches: Huskar, Panda, Zues, Lion-Lina
Nubs of the Tutong matches : Kyon (for sabotaging 2nd game), PoTM, CW (for being squishy)

That's all folks! Tune in next time for the next episode. Please note that all comments are meant to be constructive and not personal attacks. Inge Selin. Nub.

Upcoming Counter-Strike matches

We have been recieving a fuc|< -load of requests ever since our first match in Netcom a few days ago, i am starting to wonder if we look licak or something.

I can't say the exact dates and times like our Dota counterparts since we have the amazing ability to cancel, postpone and delay any and every single match we've had so far.

...but for the sake of posting... here is the list of people that have challenged us since the last week or two:

Malik's team -the one who got scared off by kok and afie's gay advances (as a joke, sorry homos), he texted me while i was in tutong

Nemesis -they want a re-match in Netcom; apparently they weren't happy with the pcs at RF during our last match in which they insisted on playing for 6 maps

Grifter (i think thats the name, though i'm not sure) - this guy texted me asking for a match; he already booked the pcs for 3pm today, sadly we weren't available

Jimin's team -team members consisting of players who frequent the "ini macam" server (in this case i think felix was the one who challenged them)

A few teams who texted Felix should also be in here but since I can't get a hold of felix at the moment, that will have to wait.

until next time kids...

Tutong Dota Review

Good morrow young padawans. Welcome to the first TFF Dota review where I will review the matches played. The opponent was GS crew, a long running nemesis in the TFF/UBD/CLT battle for Dota supremacy. As Jon said, 1.20d means we cannot show replays so you could not see the Mirana miss almost every stun, nor could you see the Panda deal almost no damage despite farming more than the other 4 combined. But I digress...

First match

TFF - PoTM, WD, Huskar, CW, Zeus

GSC- Razor, DK, Axe, SF, Lion

Banned - GSC -TP, NA, Lina,, Tinker
TFF - BM, Viper ,Necrolyte, QoP

The TINKER ban was unneccessary, as none of the players in TFF really plays Tinker that well and it does not match their Strategy of Late Game farming. This game was clearly in TFF's advantage. Zeus, Huskar, CW deal most of their damage early to mid game, while WD's Maledict cuts through DK and Razor BKB. Huskar and Zeus played especially well, Huskar farming a Heart and Mekansm by 35 mins while Zeus is Beyond Godlike. There were massacres occuring throughout the match, ending up in a 55 - 20 kill score. Teamwork and coordination was solid throughout, with a few minor slipups. GS was completely controlled on all 3 lanes due to lack of early gamers.

However, the CW was squishy, and should have rushed a Blink Dagger to help in mid game rather than Radiance for late game. He was quick but not quick enough. WD rushing BKB left him at a lack of mana throughout most battles and really should have chosen cheaper items to boost his mana and raise his effectiveness. The MAJOR gripe was the PoTM. While itembuild (deso, treads, 2 wraiths), last hitting and overall effectiveness was solid, he had a major problem with stunning with his arrow for teamfight purposes.
Aside from 2 stuns at the end game stage, the stuns aimed for ganking missed, limiting his ganking ability to Leap and Starfall. In my opinion, INGE SELIN should not use PoTM again. Nub

Second match review upcoming. This post may become too long. Apologies for wall of text

2 Friendlies at Tutong

Hi everyone.

Just a simple post by me regarding on the DotA and CS friendlies with GS crews just now.

The DotA team won 2 matches (we didnt lose any ^^) and the 2nd game was a pretty annoying one (60+min game...). We couldnt upload the replays as their version is 1.20d. >.<

The CS team was unfortunate to get their lost but it was not a satisfying match either. They had pretty much of uncomfartable moments there. The lcd was wide screen and other probs which f**k up their gameplay. But anyway, shake up guys! You all could get their *ss next time in upcoming friendlies and BCG. Just like what Zani said, all of u people better start praying that they will faced TFF in BCG. lol. Hopefully, Alif saved the replays and see what went wrong. Chow guys. Im going to sleep.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Replays appreciated, Witch Doctor Post

I would appreciate it if replays were hosted somewhere, so Inge-Selin, would you please upload it somewhere? I'd like to make commentary since I have no idea what else I can provide to the site.

Oh, I might pop in with weird Dota ideas that might work in a pub ( or even a serious) match. First off is the use of Witch Doctor (requested by anonymous person who happens to play CS and writes in a newspaper).

WD is a potentially devastating hero with weak lane control but high base damage. He synergizes well with most stun heroes as well as burst dps heroes. Most Tier 1 picks (SF, QoP, Mirana, DK, etc) would easily spank his bottom with his own death ward. Even a Tier 2 pick like an ES or a Zeus would give him a dick cramp by spamming their spells. He is easily stopped by stuns, and he farms poorly. So what is the use of this weak old guy?

Strange as it may seem, pairing him with a str hero like Treant or Huskar would be interesting and harsh to opponents. Treant and Huskar both have high survivability (armor, heal) with high damage capabilities. They both can protect the WD from death *with the exception that WD dies of old age*. Both have skills which synergizes with WD's Maledict. WD has the option of going forest and leave the heroes to solo and gain levels, or vice versa. Overgrowth Maledict DeathWard is pretty basic, but have you thought of Maledict, Huskar's ulti? Instant kill without Deathward. WD can also forgo a level of stun or stats to get the healing aura to help lane survivability. Aside from that, Centaur, Panda, Skel, DK, Sven, Sladar, any str hero can work incredibly with a WD. On a global metagame level, a good Maledict can mean the difference between winning and losing a gang fight. A BKBed WD can decimate most heroes if they're forced to stay and fight.

Why is WD never picked then? That is because Dota has become stagnant in recent months, using the top 20 heroes and leaving 70 to rot. I hope that more teams would stop using cookie cutter builds and start getting creative. Dota isnt meant to be a game where the team that picks the better lineup out of 20 heroes wins. 6.56 is a start in a fresh new direction. Let's hope Inge-Selin decides to use more WDs and other heroes in lineups. ^ ^

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hi all~~~

Haha Kyon, why retire from dota? Its sad to see another legend dissapear from this world. hahahahaha. we need a fifth man, man.

well just wanna say hi to everyone, and congrats on winning all of our dota matches last night. once again i believe the place for improvement is still ADIB. He still needs more training and need to learn more on teamwork. Seriously, i feel like 4 vs 5 would be better :)

also a note of appreciation to Jon's sand king last night, he was the MVP in the 2nd match. Adi also played very well when he used puck last night (did i spell his name correctly?)

will try and see if i can load the replays of the matches that we played in the future into this blog. but no promises, don't know if i can actually do this.

thats all for now, peace...

TFF.dota Raven

remember my actions, if not my name,

remember pawning's satisfactions, if not "victory" after the game

New Activities for TFF.dota ^^

Hei guys~ we gonna have some clan matches this week as scheduled:

Thursday - GS crew
venue - Tutong GS cc
time - 7.30pm

Friday - FoD (SG clan)
venue - GGC SG clanwar room
time - 9 -10pm

Sunday - AoD (seria)
venue - KNJ cc seria
time - 2pm

so be sure to get ready guys ^^

TFF.dota Inge-S

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kyon-sama reporting in

Testing blog for Kyon. Kyon, TFF associate. NOT MEMBER. Do not include me in team matches, esp to JON and ADIB. Which reminds me, Adib, you nub dun say you can pawn people in Dota. I scared more people challenge TFF, then say UBD nub instead of TFF nub. THEN, I get pulled back to Dota. T__T let me retire in peace.

First Dota match as TFF is against ITB? First CS match as TFF has already been played IIRC.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Blog kami makin menjadi. With a lot of experimenting on the html codes with adib, the blog is getting its ass ready to be angkat to be shown in Brunei. sweet!!!

TFF in the making

This is the first post for the new TFF blog. We are currently experimenting with layout designs and colour schemes. Please do not flame us while we are doing this. We are trying the best we can during this difficult time. -Kel-

Edit this page (if you have permission) | Google Docs -- Web word processing, presentations and spreadsheets.