Friday, November 28, 2008

TFF is Online

Hey Fraggers

TFF has grown so much. It was 2 years ago, Zani and myself were sitting down at CLT, waiting for his girlfriend and my sister to finish their night class.

Whilst drinking our green tea, and smoking our menthol sempuerna, discussing about games and lan party, Team Frag Factory was born.

From a small time lan party organiser, started by 2 guys, has now evolved into a huge gaming community ( a gamunity? hehe), where our gamers play games ranging from FPS games like CoD and CS, RTS games like DoTA, online gamings, and even console games.

I know our CS Clan is doing well with their matches, great job guys. DotA team learning their new ganking maps. *looks at Adi going mental wahahaha* and CoD, with Pentagonis owning everyone on Neraka server and getting kick continously, TFF.CoD is looking good. Very soon, after exams TFF.CoD will start training.

I also like to welcome a new addition to TFF, TFF.Audition. Ranked on the top 300 of the Sea East Asian Ladder of over a thousand guilds, Id like to say that Im proud to have my sisters and their guild to be part of TFF.

Lastly, I would like to end this post, with this link.

Welcome Home Guys =B


Friday, November 21, 2008

im not a designer, so dont judge me >.<







Due to popular demand, the next awesome, long awaited TFF LAN Party will be held as per details below;

Date: 27th December 2008 - 30th December 2008
Time: 1pm onwards
Venue: Dee's place
Admission: $1.00
COD5:WAW, COD4:MW, DotA, CS, Guitar Hero, Rockband, Left 4 Dead, Warhammer Online:AOR to name a few.

What you can expect is the same awesomeness that we have been providing for the past 3 years and more!

For those who wish to set up early and get the best spots, they can come on the 25th and continue until the 30th Dec.

Food and drinks will be provided. Pot luck and files to share is highly encouraged!

New GANK era ^^

Hi guys! As you all know that tournament map for DOTA will be 6.57b and it is the kind of map that i definately want to play during tournament matches.

This map changes the whole gameplay of DOTA as we all see from 48 - 52e plus it more entertaining!!!!!

So better get used to it coz we gonna rock E-Sport with it!

p/s : get the replays from me and map directories coz the replays that i got are awesome ^^ new map new ganks new strats lineup~ so team get used to it and dont be out levelled to a noob like me :P

TFF.dota Inge-S (Captain)


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

TFF Lan Party (August and November Random PIcs)

Monday, November 17, 2008

TFF.GM gaming COD WAW : Zombies


Saturday, November 15, 2008

We want to WIN in 6.52e!!!

Hi guys~ Its been a while since I actually post anything up in this blog other than schedule of matches.

This week is going to be our last week of training session due to players having examinations.

And we going to start training during 9th december comes and that will be pretty intense ^^

But at the end of our session i would like to compile all of our effortsm training and matches together. As i said, we want to win in 6.52e

but before that i would like to thank my players, u guys have no idea how grateful i am being the captain of this team because it has so much potential for improvement and even we felt it is so near yet it is so far.

Raven - with all the enthusiam even he always ends up with an impossible fight but sometimes gets it through with some miracle actions of teamwork.

4'c - having using support and sacrificial heroes every game and not even not even once complaint about being the poorest 1 in teh group but helps out throughout the map.

Gurkaman - learning out wards, tactics, farming, denying and stil is our super rookie ^^

-KS- - One of our all rounder player and able to come out with some unusual tactics but its probably one that we always hoped for.

Kyrios - for not being someone that complains alot about heroes that are chosen for him but show alot of ethusiam in every game and also one of our super rookie ^^

without u guys i wont be able to play a very controlled game and i want to thank you all for that.

so i hope when it comes to a point where we will syncronize more as a team we will actually see how much we can do in this e-games event and see how far we can go with jus the 6 of us ^^

but before that day comes let put our game face on everygame and not feel overconfident of every opponent and stick to 1 mind set

"WE WILL WIN IN 6.52E!!!"

I personally will not be slacking off my training session because i know u guys are putting your hopes in ur captain and sometimes i know i let you guys down because of my unstable decision because i always put my emotions upfront before anything else ><

but i will make sure no emotions of anger comes in my mind and i have to thanks u guys for reminding me that all times. Thank You

Lets train more individual clan wars during this hibernation time and by the time we can gather again we will rock E-Sport once more.

I wont let u guys DOWN!

TFF.dota Inge-S (captain)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Another one

click me

Monday, November 10, 2008


So yea this is the beat it bloopers that has been posted on youtube last night, ditujukan buat senpai2 yang saya hormati sekalian terutama si zani hadi adib and jon! walaupun nda kana mengana dengan kamu tapi kamu mesti liat!

its about 8 minutes so be patience yea

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Time for another talk

The replays for the match on Friday night.

Again we lose, and again we lack the fifth players. -KS- (yong) had personnel problems and couldn't make it to the match. It might have been better else wise. but no prob, i've decided to bring in a friend of mine to become our super sub from now on. Hence even when -KS- cannot make it, at least we wont be that bad off. and i believe he would fit in well to our line up picks of heroes. but whether he has teamwork or not, we can only know through real game playing. So i've asked our ahem *beloved team leader* (pui...) to arrange for a friendly match on wednesday and try him out. Pls feel free to comment on whether you guys think he should be one of us after the try out ok? don't be shy on ur opinions. (you can even vote to have inge selin kicked out or retrained due to his noobness)

its ok though, even though we lost those two matches. i still feel that it wasn't totally getting owned kind of match. of course we still lack precise teamwork but whenever we do click we end up killing 3 of theirs at least. We just need to play more as a team and gradually we'll improve in that area.

its ok 4'c (jon) and gurkaman (adi), you guys are just lacking a bit of experience in ganking and situational fight. i will try my best to play the ganker role and help you guys out. I'm not saying i'm extremely talented in DOTA or anything, only that i've had more time playing this game than you guys. No one is born good at anything, as you play more matches experience will build up and surely the day will come when all of us click like clockwork. I see potential in this team and with us 3 doing all we can to buy time/harrass the opponent so that our two carry heroes get fat, we are sure to win all the games to come.

But most importantly, dont get too upset after every loses in friendlies. you can get fired up and motivated to improve in the next match, but just beating your self up is not gonna help anything. like i say, losing friendlies means nothing. our aim is for tournaments and being champions. I personally is not in it for the prize money, just the pride of winning when it counts and also for the love of the game.

have to work on the noob shot for this week... who will it be??? hehehhe

thats all for now


TFF.dota Raven

Remember my actions,
if not my name,
Remember pawning's satisfaction,
if not victory after every game.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hey guys! your beloved captain has decided "hey! lets all work on our hand and eye coordination and start sharpening up our farming skills.

What more of a better idea than just having 1 v 1 match every week with the inhouse dota players! would you all like to see who gets it every week?


This week - we have the team captain TFF.dota Inge-S going against 1 v 1 with every player in his team and count scores of win and loses for every game.

2nd week - we have Raven going against 1 v 1 with every player in the team and scores will be counted accordingly.

3rd week and so on~~

it'll be lots of fun and we all get to train different types of heroes!

modes will be -apshomnp ( allpick, same hero, only mid, no powerups )

rules - 3 deaths and 2 tower burst

So this week we'll have the team captain going against his whole team!

lets anticipate the results! ^^

and you guys can vote who you want to see getting gang up nextweek! how does that sound?


TFF.dota Inge-S vs TFF.dota Raven

TFF.dota Inge-S vs TFF.Gurkaman

TFF.dota Inge-S vs TFF.dota 4'c

TFF.dota Inge-S vs TFF.dota -KS-

replays will be saved and posted weekly..tell me what you think guys!

Photoshop fun


Match at tutong on tuesday

You know the drill, here's the replays for tutong match.

thats all for now, will give a summary when i have the time.

Peace all

TFF.dota Raven

Remember my actions,
if not my name,
Remember pawning's satisfactions,
if not victory after every game.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

FINAL universal Logo and Seal of Approval


Monday, November 3, 2008

R4mb0 is on youtube!

this is what i did during last semester's break (3-6 months ago), a project that took 3 months to finish, not really finish, its 98% finish, watch and enjoy =))
if its lag here u can just go to youtube directly and type "beat it kelantitmu"
p/s:kelantitmu is my friend's profile name on youtube

Kyon's Forgotten Heroes : Enigma

Welcome to another edition of Kyon's boredom.. err i mean, Forgotten Heroes. Today we shall talk about Darchrow, our friendly non-speaking blue blob. Dar-dar has been a staple of old hero lineups way back in 6.10 onwards when he was still unstunnable and unstoppable with his Black hole. However, since 6.27 onwards, he has slowly and slowly entered his own black hole and become a non-existant support hero. Today we'll look at an innovative way to play this versatile Enigma.

I can't blame people for not using Dar-dar. He's slow, he has a shitty stun, a lousy creep summon, and a very slow hitting AoE Dot. He has low armor, low health, doesnt talk much so he's not remotely funny *Ahhh the great outdoors!*, and worst of all, stun heavy teams rape him (which by definition is every team on the competitive scene nowadays). He's extremely situational, and he can only cast his ulti once every 200 secs, give or take a year. His creeps even give as much gold as a normal creep and last shorter than a virgin's first night with a prostitute. Yes, the little creeps only last 5 seconds under heavy pressure. Disappointing, I'm sure

*But wait, why are we remembering a shitty hero? Isnt a Forgotten Hero supposed to be owning?*

Well not the old way of playing him. That's really too limited. The BKB-Blink-Pulse-BH combo is really old. I mean, Kolo Mee was still 50 cents when that started. Let's not dwell on the past. Lets instead look at the current stage, when Kolo Mee is 3.00 (yes i was surprised too when i ordered it at Netzone)

Enter Kyon's new and improved Enigma. The Blue Battle Blob, or the B3. With the new B3, no longer will you stand idly by as your teammates dish out damage while you Mekansm behind them. No longer will Dar-dar be a weak one combo hero. The new B3 format will bring a new meaning to RUN BITCH RUN! Let me elaborate...

The B3 does not use Midnight Pulse or Conversion, that was sooooooo 4 years ago. The B3 will opt for Malefice and stats. The B3 does not take level 2-3 Black Hole. Gosh, 400 mana for 2 extra seconds of sucking. Not too good. The B3 WILL NOT BUY MEKANSM. Leave that for the SUPPORT heroes. The B3 will be a GANKER. It will rape, it's desperate and its horny every night. Come one, come all, B3 doesnt discriminate. Man, woman, orc or elf, It rapes all (I'm pretty sure Dar-dar is a trannie)

The B3 WILL use the Orchid. The B3 wears Treads. The B3 attacks people to death. B3 will use Blink (just a throwback to the old skool style). The B3 will gank as soon as it is level 7. It will not stop when it gets a Perseverance. Stun. Hit. Kill. Rinse and repeat. Make your way up to a Shiva, or an Crystalis. Gank, Kill, Repeat. Take stats all the way till you're 16, den Pulse for your complaining teammates. Gank Gank GANK! The B3 listens to no one, but will Pulse once every so often so you're happy, nubs.

Why will this work? Enigma has insane range, high Int gain (high damage gain), a stun that makes enemies unable to counter attack if you time it right, and oh yeah, i think it has Black hole or some shit like that. Plus, it regenerates like Claire Bennett with a Perseverance, something other gankers cant do without higher items. Dont get hit, Backstab enemy fuckers and you wont lose a bit of health, be Godlike.

Kyon-approved. Battle tested.

B3. The new way to play

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TFF "eca" day

During the TFF "eca" day a few days ago (bowling + Jerudong Park), it was decided we should have one every two weeks. So now i'm posting it up making it official.

Attendance is semi-compulsory cos if not many ppl turn up it will be dead boring... baik main cs...

I hope we all agree that having a break from gaming AND spending time together outside of DotA, CS etc will help us to recuperate and improve our teamwork all the while getting to know each other better. In the long run I think it's these types of activities that will allow TFF to stand the test of time... So yeah!!! EMO!!! Lets go!!!


cs short-term hibernation

The cs part of TFF is currently on a weeklong break which ends on Thursday and we already have a team lined up to have a match against. Hopefully jimins team can make it cos i'm really starting to miss cs ... maybe i should get rockband? Do they sell just the Drums? Its fuc|< ing awesome!!!!!!!!

TFF's LAN Party

So it's that time of the month again.

Details as below:

Venue: Dee's Place
Date: Saturday 8th November 2008
Time: After 12pm would be best.
Fee: BND 1.00
Contact : Zani Pemajal, PantyGoonies, Gabriel or SpendeD
There will be games, Rockband, Guitar Hero, COD, Warhammer, DotA and more.
Pot luck optional. Menu is BEEF STEW (AWESOMENESS), SOTO (THE BEST EVER!!!) and drinks WILL BE PROVIDED hence the 1 dollar fee.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

TFF's GMs loves Rock Band (PS3)

Gabriel bought RockBand for his PS3 last night. He invited TFF.GM Zani Pemajal and his TFF.Officers, PantyGoonies, SpendeD, Eyakuza and Soul112 (si fatul bah)  to his crib last night. The agenda was
1) to review RockBand 
2) to plan TFF's upcoming Lan Party on the 8th of November.

Well, the moment RockBand was plugged in, throughout the night, the TFF GMs and Officers were fighting for the drum kit, guitar and mic, literally. Punches were thrown, faces were slapped, legs were pulled, balls were kicked. It was a massacre. Gabriel, Zani Pemajal and Fatul wanted to play the drum kit. SpendeD and Eyakuza were fought for the mics, and when neither were available, Pantygoonies, Fatul and Zani Majal beat each other up for the guitar.

Why ?


Have you ever seen Zani Pemajal NOT playing CS? Have you ever seen the tempermental Eyakuza sing his heart out full of emotion? Have you ever seen Fatul not making jokes? We'll, you'll be suprised what ROckBand have done to them >.>

Yeah, RockBand was so addictive, that "Can I have a go next?" phrase were overused. It was so bad that we couldnt planned about next Lan Party>.> (whats to plan ... really? haha)

But one thing for sure, you'll be seeing Gabriel's Rockband at the TFF's Lan Party, on the 8th November.

Ps. SpendeD and Panty, please upload photos from lastnight. 


Noob shots

Ok just to spice up the blog abit, I've decided to add in what i would like to call NOOB SHOTS.

basically its just the freeze frame picture of things of bad things that should never be done and yet was done ^_^

Ok here as you can see, magnataur positioned himself nicely in between warlock and lanaya. With his ulti + lich's ulti and with magnus having DD, you would think its confirm two heroes death right? Plus puck was just out of this screen. so he could blink in fast.

But magnus was 0.1 sec too late, resulting in not capturing warlock in his ulti. you can't see but puck was also too late in using his wave and ulti plus silence. But mainly i still feel that its lich's fault for not novaing the warlock and throwing his chain ulti fast enuf. end conclusion, inge selin is noob.


Ok this time here, its just the beginning of he game. so with lich's nova and juggernauts' spin, they can at least kill nevermore right?

Wrong! lich went and used his nova on the strength hero that has 700+ life instead of the nevermore that has 500+ life. resulting in them not being able to kill even one hero. some more, the opponent paused game here, so he should have more than enuf time to choose and nova nevermore instead of tide. end result, again inge selin is noob. plz never use lich again.


ok thats all for now, lazy find so many noob shots.

so here's the conclusion.

heroes found caught in noob shots are:
inge-selin - 2 times,
gurkaman - 1 time,
Raven - 1 time,
-KS- - 1 time (but not really his fault he already did all he could)
4'c - 0 time, (but that's only cause i lazy find your noob shots!!! hehe)

so the winner of this week's noob shot is inge-selin!!!
pls give a round of applause to this weeks biggest noob! but seriously, plz never use lich again. EVER!!!

Replay and insight on the match on friday

Ok here's the first replay agaisnt dilah's team on friday night.

There was another match which we were dominating but was unable to save or finish due to sudden power outage in Rain forest. It was safe to say we would have won this one if we didnt make any big mistakes like the first one. Too bad ppls

Just wanna say a few things about the matches. I think everyone would agree with me that they feel good about the matches. Our line up picking and counter picking is very good as it is and so is our warding and hero laning. We choose all the right heroes and I love the extra option available provided by -KS- (yong). Just by adding him as our primary fifth man, he really gave us flexibility to our line ups choosing. I think that should be one of the thing we could improve on, all of us should train more different kind of heroes so as to provide that flexibility in line ups.
some of the heroes that i think everyone should be at least able to play well are:

warlock, silencer, lion, lich, tide hunter, scorpion kings, treant protector, omni knight, medusa, necrolyte, dazzle and witch doctor, nerubian assasin.

witch doctor was added as an after thought as i saw how well it worked when Kyon used it. and actually all he needs to do is just maledict and stun. i dont mind if ur ulti dont hit as long as ur maledict hits.

in addition, i would love if 4'c (jon) can learn to play KOTL as soon as possible so that we can try out the new line ups ^_^ and also if gurkaman (adi) can learn to play zeus would also be good.
I too will be training the heroes that i dont like >_< heroes like queen of pain, puck and other heroes that need to be near the enemies. won't let u all down next time hehe.

now back to the replays. I saw that though we are getting better in terms of teamwork, there are still places for improvement. not picking on people but for example, at one point, 4'c was with yellow life and i told everyone not to engage but he still did. the reason to this was that i didn't have enuf mana to ulti them, and if we dont have that we're f*cked up in gang fights, as their aoe ulti's are really painful. and the result was all five heroes on our side being dead.

But its understandable though, i know how it can get when u're so fully immersed in the game that you don't hear other ppl talking. that happens to me a lot. but just try to communicate more everyone, you dont need to type too much. You can shout in RF if you like, i mean we paid for the money and we wanna have fun. lots of ppl do that, so dont need to feel modest. shout out loud if u dont have the time to type. its better to scream and piss everyone else in RF than your own team mate.

The final thing to say is that, we should stick closer to each other when it comes to late game. As i saw that was the reason for our fatal error that costed our lost. -KS- was too hungry and chased on (probably thinking he was god with all those items ^^ you're still a noob inside yong!). and our backup was either too far or too slow. this is important as once we lose in gang fights during late games, it takes less than no time to finish breaking into our barracks. so during late games, i want support heroes to be around the DPS heroes at all time.

but like i say, its ok. mistakes are there for us to learn. and i dont mind losing all this friendlies as long as we learn something from them. just dont make these mistakes in tournament!!!! hehehe

PS. a word of thanks for 4'c and gurkaman for always playing the role of support heroes. i know its tough and the constant lack of kills and money from playing those heroes can really demoralize ppl. but they are very important in the game and dont think for one moment we can get anywhere in the game without you two. The scores dont know how important you guys are, but we do! so keep up the good work.

That's all for now.


TFF.dota Raven

Remember my actions,
if not my name,
Remember pawning's satisfactions,
if not victory after every game.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ok here are the replay.

This is the round we played with Dilah's team on 28th October 2008. (Tuesday)

This is the two rounds we played with ITB team on the same day.

Thats all for now, still thinking of the proper things to say to yesterday's match which we couldnt save due to power shortage in RF.

See you guys laters for bowling!

TFF.dota Raven

Remember my actions,
if not my name,
Remember pawning's satisfactions,
if not victory after every game.

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