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We want to WIN in 6.52e!!!

Hi guys~ Its been a while since I actually post anything up in this blog other than schedule of matches.

This week is going to be our last week of training session due to players having examinations.

And we going to start training during 9th december comes and that will be pretty intense ^^

But at the end of our session i would like to compile all of our effortsm training and matches together. As i said, we want to win in 6.52e

but before that i would like to thank my players, u guys have no idea how grateful i am being the captain of this team because it has so much potential for improvement and even we felt it is so near yet it is so far.

Raven - with all the enthusiam even he always ends up with an impossible fight but sometimes gets it through with some miracle actions of teamwork.

4'c - having using support and sacrificial heroes every game and not even not even once complaint about being the poorest 1 in teh group but helps out throughout the map.

Gurkaman - learning out wards, tactics, farming, denying and stil is our super rookie ^^

-KS- - One of our all rounder player and able to come out with some unusual tactics but its probably one that we always hoped for.

Kyrios - for not being someone that complains alot about heroes that are chosen for him but show alot of ethusiam in every game and also one of our super rookie ^^

without u guys i wont be able to play a very controlled game and i want to thank you all for that.

so i hope when it comes to a point where we will syncronize more as a team we will actually see how much we can do in this e-games event and see how far we can go with jus the 6 of us ^^

but before that day comes let put our game face on everygame and not feel overconfident of every opponent and stick to 1 mind set

"WE WILL WIN IN 6.52E!!!"

I personally will not be slacking off my training session because i know u guys are putting your hopes in ur captain and sometimes i know i let you guys down because of my unstable decision because i always put my emotions upfront before anything else ><

but i will make sure no emotions of anger comes in my mind and i have to thanks u guys for reminding me that all times. Thank You

Lets train more individual clan wars during this hibernation time and by the time we can gather again we will rock E-Sport once more.

I wont let u guys DOWN!

TFF.dota Inge-S (captain)

alum "wow" ni kel... wait till felix gets emo hhahaha

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